0942 UEM 620 | 108053 | Lion Link I/O Module

8 DI, 4 IO-Link IN universal (IO-Link-Master): LioN-Link I/O module with 4 I/O-Link channels, ***Discontinued***

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Complete Electronics Part No. 108053
Manufacturers Part No. 108053

0942 UEM 620

 LioN-Link I/O module with 4 I/O-Link channels

***Product Discontinued***

Suggested Alternative: 0980 ESL 399-121

  • 8 DI, 4 IO-Link IN universal (IO-Link-Master):
  • Operating mode is freely selectable
  • Each channel can be configured universally in standard digital I/O mode (SIO mode) or in communications mode
  • M12 sockets (4x), 5 poles
  • Note: this I/O module can only be used with BusHead 0940 PSL 602 or PROFINET BusHead 0940 ESL 601

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