Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC)

Industrial Shields Programmable Logic Controllers

Industrial Shields is a leading manufacturer of technologically advanced industrial controlling products based on Open Source technology.

Founded in October 2012

Devices based on Open-Source Hardware electronics

Based in Barberà del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain

Industrial Shields develops and produces 100% of the product range, including all aspects involved with the hardware and software.

  • A programmable logic controller (PLC) is an industrial digital computer that has been ruggedised
  • It will continuously monitor the state of devices
  • Makes decisions based on a custom program to control the state of output devices.
  • For use in manufacturing, plants, other automation environments or robotic devices
  • Advanced data processing functions
  • Many types of I/O modules are available
  • Available with wireless, GPRS or ethernet options

The usage of the Industrial Shields boards is very important as they provide a lot of useful tools that simplify PLC programming. The most important things are :-

  1. Automatic definition/variable association/pinmode of a pin.

  2. Automatic Industrial Shields libraries (PLC features).

The basic idea of the Industrial Shields boards is that it is a "collection of libraries" that are included in the Arduino IDE software, only if they are selected (when it is not selected an Arduino board).

The automatic definition/variable association/pinmode of a pin helps in the pinout configuration. Our pins (QX.X/IX.X/AX.X/RX.X) are referenced to a real Arduino pin. Depending on the model and the equipment these pins can be different. If the sketch is not made using the boards it won't be able expandable for future versions and for other models/equipment's. 

The only condition of using the Industrial Shields pins is (once you have already selected the Industrial Shields boards, Family and model) using a closed nomenclature. It must be changed the "." for a "_". So if you want to use the Q0.1 you only need to place it in the sketch as Q0_1.

In order to be able to program our equipment even more easily, it is possible to install it to Arduino IDE. Once installed will not be necessary to know which Arduino board that includes each equipment, neither to consult the mapping between the pins of Arduino board and INs and OUTs of the PLCs, not even will be necessary to use our libraries: now all this information will be included in the Arduino IDE. When you select one of our PLCs, INs and OUTs will be already available with their names, moreover as libraries that will facilitate the use of different communication ports (RS-232, RS-485

Multiple communications options available:


  • You can use this wireless solution to communicate with other devices and send and receive information.


  • If there's no option to connect directly with  the unit, this solution it's perfect for your installation or machine.
  • Multiple protocols and  other options at your disposal like:
  • LoRa - Long Range solution.
  • WiFi - Wireless option.
  • GPRS - If there's no option to connect directly with  the unit.
  • DALI - Lighting protocol for specific solutions.

 Raspberry Pi

  • With double RS-485 ports, a double ethernet port, UPS that will ensure a minimum power supply, this will secure a safe shut down and SD data protection. Also a CAN bus.

 Product Overview